Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well, this was my first weekend. I didn't a whole lot, but that's pretty much my style. I have to ease myself into everything.

On Saturday I slept in and had coffee and Jesus time at the little coffee shop right by school. It was good coffee and amazing Jesus time, what more could I ask for. I came back and read a little bit of the book for our first class. His writing is hard, so I could read very much of it. But then Virginia came home and we went to Target and the grocery store. It was fun to get out and about in the city a little. Taking groceries home on the metro was really fun, but I kind of LOVE the metro, so that might just be me. When we got home we made dinner and then had an event thingy to go to. It was basically make/eat s'mores and mingle. It was great though, because I actually met people. Everyone is really nice and wonderful. I can't wait to get to know everyone more and really know people, instead of only a little bit. After that we watched Donnie Darko, it was strange and really interesting. I liked it, but I didn't really get it. I have to watch it again before I can have a real opinion about it. A very psychological movie.

Today was fun too. I didn't leave the Dellenbeck until 3:30pm. Lazy mornings are amazing! I had Jesus time, read for class, hung out a little bit. Beautiful! Then we left for church, Jon, Virginia, another one of my roommates Hannah, and myself. It's called Grace DC and it's in Chinatown. 30 minutes walking, 20 minutes by metro. Abigail, the one we call with our questions before we get to DC, goes to that church. See saw the four of us and came to talk after the service. We all went and got dinner at this Mexicanish fast foody place. It was good. We ate on the steps to one of the many Smithsonians in the city and chatted. I realized during the discussion that a lot of how I am is explained by the fact that I'm the baby in my family.

So, church. It was definitely different from what I'm used to. It's a Presbyterian church. That didn't mean anything to me before we got there, I don't really know much, or anything rather, about denominations. They have formal membership, they only sing hymns, there is real wine at communion, the congregation recites things. It was an extremely foreign environment for me. Everything they said though, was right on. The message and heart of the church leadership and congregation definitely resonated with me, it just came through a form I've never experienced before. BUT, since reading Pagan Christianity the word 'church' has taken on a completely different meaning for me. It's not at all about the service I go to. It is entirely about the community I go with. It's about the shared experience of encountering the God of the universe who deeply loves us. This is the kind of Sunday service Virginia and Jon are used to, and since they are quickly becoming my community in ASP, I want to have true fellowship with them. So, my little spiritual exercise/experiment this semester is going to be my Sunday service. God is the same no matter the environment. If I truly believe that why wouldn't I be able to meet God in this one. Sure, it's not my preference, but that's because I've only ever gone to one kind of church. It'll definitely be an interesting 15 weeks, but I'm excited to see what God will do through it.

Well that's been my weekend. Nothing to spectacular, but exactly what I needed. Tomorrow we have our academic orientation, so I'll have more to share about classes and hopefully/maybe something to share about my internship.


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