Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm pretty sure this is my fifteenth attempt at keeping a blog. All the other times I've failed. After about 3-5 posts, I stop.

This time it's different. I started all of those blogs with specific purposes for them. This one is generic. I'll write about life, whatever it is that I want to write about. No rules about content. No rules about how often I post. No rules about writing. (That will become obvious as you read. Transitions, closings, and openings will be mostly absent. It will probably be more of stream-of-thought writing. So don't be confused or judgmental about the writing. It is what it is.)

Blogging in general is such a weird concept to me. The entire chain of thought that has to proceed writing a blog is so different. Let me write down my thoughts so that everyone in the world can see them (but with this understanding that very few people ever really will). Now that looks to me like either entirely arrogant or a cry for attention. And yet, it's not. It's simply the desire to truly be known. But then I wonder, why we think that a blog actually allows people to know us. They may know our thoughts and our words, but they don't necessarily know anything about us. And yet, here I am. Writing a blog. I don't really know what I expect to get from this process. Why does making my life and my thought processes public make them more meaningful than if I wrote them in a journal? I don't know why, but for some reason that's the conclusion I draw.

If you actually make it all the way down to reading this post, I applaud you. Mostly because I will probably keep this blog to myself for awhile before sharing it with the world. So you'd have to read what I hope are several posts in order to get to this one. So Congratulations, you did it!

1 comment:

  1. You know what makes a blog more meaningful than just in a the possibility that someone else will read them without you having to tell them what's going on in your head...they will just know. At least that's what I like about it, because then I don't feel like I'm being completely needy, or stupidly random...because if you read it, well then it's your fault, not mine right? haha. also I think it keeps you sort of honest, with the possibility of someone else reading it. Maybe not for some people, maybe for some it becomes just another face to show, but for me, I think it keeps me from lying to myself about certain things. =) I love you Kimmy...and sorry I'm kinda using your blog as my own blog in these ridiculously long comments. =)
