Thursday, August 26, 2010

Washington, DC really does exist!

Ok, I'm here. I've been here for about four hours now. I've unpacked, met my roommates, and got lunch down the street with Gillian (the only other girl from APU in the program). It's still very surreal. I can't quite believe that I'm in Washington freaking DC.

For all of you who were wondering, I caught a cab very nicely. My dad helped me. I called him in the airport and he gave me all the tips and pointers and how-to's I could have ever needed. Thanks Daddy!

I live in an apartment with 5 other girls. In one bedroom there is one bunk-bed (two girls) and the other room has two bunk-beds (4 girls). I'm in the room with four girls. But, because I was the second one to move in, I made sure I got a bottom bunk. Some of you already know this about me, but I absolutely detest having to climb into bed. I need to be able to fall into bed. Climbing is not an option, and even less of a reason to actually get up in the mornings. 5 of our desks are in the living room downstairs (one is in the two person room). It's kind of odd, but I totally like it because it means I can go to bed whenever I want and I won't be keeping someone from studying. We also have a couch and a dining room table (but no chairs, except for the ones at our desks) in the living room. The couch is a dorm couch. For all of you who lived in Engstrom with me freshman year, it's exactly like the couches in the family rooms on each floor. Our kitchen is long and skinny. Lots of cupboard space and fully furnished. It also has a dishwasher and a coffeemaker. Hmm...happy! Our microwave is WAY oldschool. When I get a functioning camera, I'll take a picture of it and let you know.

Those are the basics of my apartment.

I still don't have an internship. But now that I'm here I will sit down and have a real good chat with Elizabeth, the Internship Coordinator at the American Studies Program. I'm sure we'll figure something out. It will probably include me letting go of my desire to work on the Hill (Capitol Hill that is). I will you keep you posted as things happen with that.

My roommates And I don't really like strangers. I'll tell you more about them once I warm up to them. I'll probably give you a way better impression then.

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