Sunday, July 17, 2011


So, I've grown a bit complacent in my walk with God. I still go to church and and pray sometimes, but it's been a while since I last read the word. It's just gotten a bit repetitive for me. I've read it so many times before that it's hard for me to find anything new in it. *Gasp* How dare a devoted Christian grow tired of the scriptures! It is a living word that meets us right where we are each time we open it! Ya, ya, ya, but I'm broken and in a place that only sees what I've been taught or learned last time I read it. Not anything that inspires me or teaches me or guides me.

Anyway, in an effort to do more than just read (because it so often proves fruitless) I'm going to try reflecting about what I've read, right here! I'm kind of excited, slightly anxious. I sometimes feel like if I can't do it perfectly (and everyday) that it's not worth doing. But I know that's not the case. I'm also planning on being ridiculously honest, more honest than I've ever been about anything on the internet. People I know might see me differently. Oh well. It doesn't really matter.

I've been slightly inspired by this girl and this one. They're pretty cool. They are who they are, serving Jesus all the while. They don't conform to "industry standards" of what a Christian should be like. But they love God and it comes through in what they write. I hope to be like them a little bit.

We'll see how this goes.

I wanted to come up with a cool name for these little posts, something in the title to tell you it's gonna be about the Bible and not something else. I started with the term reflect, well, because that's what I'm doing. I want to reflect on what I've read. But I have this bias against anything remotely Christian-ese, I just can't handle it. So, I looked it up in an online theaurus (hooray for being a college graduate and knowing how to make myself sound smart!).

After clicking around a bit, I came to the word counterfeit. I know it has this harsh, really unChristian connotation, but thats what I like about it. My reflections are counterfeit representations of what the word really says. And I'm trying to pass them off as real, as life changing. I'm sure I'll be changed in the process, but I won't notice it. I'll probably still feel like a fake, masquerading as an insightful person who's writing things worth reading. ;-)

So, let the journey begin and we shall see where it takes me!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you gave me some link love! Thank you so much. I really am honored.
    It sounds like you have an inspired plan there. Looking forward to see where your journey takes you. :)
