Sunday, July 17, 2011

Counterfeit: Job 1-3 (life sucks sometimes)

So, I was a little further along in Job but I decided to start over 1)because I got a new bible, 2)because I started a new blog, and 3)because I'd been in job for like a month and I'd only read 9 chapters. Starting everything together makes me happy, it's all nice, even, and organized (can you see my slight OCD coming out yet?)

Anyway, I don't have a lot of time, so it's gonna be a quick post, which is fine since this is my first one anyway.

I read Job 1-3 this morning, and man does it suck. I mean, everything gets taken away from him. All of his wealth, his children, everything gone! And then his wife goes and tells him to curse God and die. What a great wife. In chapter 3 he then curses the day he was born and wishes that he never had been.

The classic Christian response to this kind of passage would be "Man, my life really doesn't look that bad in comparison to Job's. I should really be grateful for all that God has blessed me with. And then I'll go ahead an quote the infamous verse "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." or "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?" You learn to endure through the hardship, knowing it could be worse, and then blame Satan for being so horrible.

Well, that's all nice and dandy, but it's not quite what I got it from it this time. Reading about Job's horrible life made all the bad stuff in my life seem so much worse. Suddenly, everything in my life was pure shit. My lack of boyfriend, my crazy roommates, the distance between me and God: mylifesucks!

But it's okay that my life sucks. It does that sometimes. I think if it's okay for Job to curse the day that he was born and wish that it had never happened, it's okay for me to do the same. I can look at my life and not be super please with it. It's okay to have a bad day and really hate life. There is no need to put some "everything will work out in the end" spin onto a crappy situation. Let me be freaking pissed at the world for a day. Emotions are healthy.

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