Wednesday, September 14, 2011

thoughts from my unemployed life

I'm waiting to hear about a job that I applied for.  Everything is going well, the office is just waiting to hear from HR on the official offer for my position.  I'm getting poorer by the minute...but I've had a lot of time on my hands to do other things.

1) Blogs have taken over my life.  Not only do I read about 20 different blogs now, but I write one.  More blog ideas come into my head the more I immerse myself in this blog community.  But I feel really lame, like I don't have a life if I post more than once a day.  So I don't.  But today I am.  I guess I'm lame today.

2) I've gotten to spend way more time with God than I ever have in the past.   Instead of being a rushed thing I do in the morning before I go to work after waking up late because I like sleep way to much, it's a casual time where I can just sit and meditate on what I've read.  I can actually think about what I've read instead of remember the "moral of the story" from sermon I heard on the same passage however long ago.  I've learned to trust better, to listen better, to rest better, and to see better.   It's fantastic and I love it.

3) Switchfoot is the music of my soul.  I know that sounds super cliche and many of you will have the "oh my gosh, she never moved on from the epitome of contemporary christian music that was only cool when we were in seventh grade" reaction, but it's true.  Now don't get me wrong, it's not my favorite band.  But I still really like them.  I have every album.  I would love to go to one of their concerts.  And I can always listen to them.  I think it has something to do with when I started listening to them.  In Junior High School.  They were there for me at such a formative time in my life that it will forever be the comfort food of my soul.  What you go for when you need something comfortable.

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