Sunday, September 12, 2010


So, after a week of blog silence, I'm here to tell you all what I've been up to. Sorry about not posting quite as often, I guess the novelty of it all has worn off

We had more service learning this week. I was at Cornerstone School, which is a small private Christian school in Anacostia. We got there and they really didn't know what to do with us and most of the time we felt like more of a burden than a help. But, on Thursday I got to spend the day with the Preschool class. Oh my gosh, they were so fun! The teacher was so sweet and the kids were just freaking adorable. I loved them so much.

For our Topics in Leadership & Vocation class we had a paper due on Friday at midnight (actually at 11:59 pm, to be exact). This consisted of four short essays, totaling 7 pages, and then an annotated bibliography for all of the readings and lectures of the previous two weeks. The bibliography was as 6 1/2 pages long. Shoot me in the face. But I finished it and turned it in and had a little celebration for myself.

On Wednesday we went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum. It was incredible. So well designed
and informative. It was also really intense, in a way that can't be described in words.

Thursday night I got to talk to my friends back at APU. I miss them so much. Relationships are so integral, sometimes I wonder why I left them. But it was so good to talk to them and get the low-down on what's going on in their lives. They'd had two days of classes at that point that, so I got the first impressions of senior year. This is a screen shot I took of them on skype. The quality is terrible and they all think they look possessed, but I think they look absolutely perfect! (Left to Right: Gracie, Katie, Alicia, and Emily)

Friday we had a guest speaker come, so we had to dress up. Thus far I have worn dress pants and a blouse, but that day I wanted to try something different. This is the result. I was so proud of myself when I put it together (can't you tell by the smirk on my face?). I think I'm getting the hang of this business attire thing. We'll just have to wait and see though, because I'm working on Fridays and I definitely have to figure out how much of a difference there is between business professional and business casual. That'll be a fun adventure. :~)

Well...That's all the exciting things from this past week....excluding the roommate drama that ensued. But I'd rather pretend like that didn't happen because it's all better now. We also decided that all the apartments will have drama, we just got ours out of the way at the beginning and they all still have yet to suffer through it. Haha.

Ok, well I love you all. Stay tuned to hear about real life that starts tomorrow. My internship and the main classes start tomorrow, so there will be much to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Can we have a skype date please?? I miss you lots! I love the outfit. Sounds like a pretty exhausting week. And ps...sorry I didn't comment on your last blog...I did read it, but it's been an exhausting week for me too. Love you!
