So, I've never really been one much for holidays. I think America generally bastardizes them and makes them about ourselves or pretends to care about whatever the holiday is in order to appear pious. But, for some reason, I've taken a fondness to Thanksgiving today. (Don't worry, I'm not turning over a new leaf, I will still be a hypocritical cynic in regards to holidays).
I decided to look Thanksgiving up on Wikipedia. I mean, I know people hate on Wikipedia, but it's always a good starting place in my opinion. But I found it interesting. Nothing too extraordinary, but fun none the less.
I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm a little bit camera shy, so I won't be disclosing all the serious ones my mind is contemplating, but will tell you all the silly ones and some of the not so silly ones too.
1) I am thankful for the Disney Channel, and the ability to watch it over this Thanksgiving break.
2) I'm thankful for cell phones and the chance to call my family all over the country.
3) I really like food. Especially Hawaiian Sweet Bread Rolls. I am thankful that they have them in South Carolina.
5) Jesus, I'm thankful for Jesus.

(This is almost the google icon for the day.)
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