Friday, January 17, 2014

Book Bingo: Wool

So, because I have so much free time on my hands these days, I decided to play along with my friend Meghan in playing Book Bingo. It gives a little bit of purpose to all the fiction I read... don't judge, I know I have a lot of other things to read, but the fiction keeps me sane! I finally finished my first book, so here is my updated bingo sheet and my short blurb about the book, as needed, according to the rules.

Wool by Hugh Howey was the book I read. It's the first of a dystopian trilogy. Everyone lives in huge underground silos that were equipped with everything needed to sustain life. The heroine, Juliette, was a mechanic who worked to keep the power on in the silo, but then she get's promoted to sheriff, and starts asking the kinds of questions about life in the silo that aren't allowed.

It was a pretty good read overall. I enjoyed the mystery and discovering that happened throughout the book. Some of the action felt a little forced at the end, but I saw where the author was going, and I so I was okay with it. 

Also, not young adult, but I thought it was before I started reading it. Now I'm hooked though, and have to finish the trilogy. 

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