Monday, June 24, 2013

Hot Water vs. Water Pressure...

or "Where I am Still Very Aware of My First-World Problems"

Okay guys, I'm here to tell you about some of the small peculiarities I have. You see, I have this thing about water pressure. I absolutely love showers that have good water pressure. I notice this in every place I take a shower. Just ask my roommate (who's not really my roommate anymore, but will always have that title), Emily.

But what do you do when you have to choose between having hot water or having good water pressure? Because, showers don't always feel like showers when they are cold, am I right? But lack of water pressure means you never really feel like all of the shampoo is out of your hair. I think of Emily everytime I take a shower, well, because for her, hot water is about as important to her as water pressure is for me.

So, let me explain why this happens. You see, people don't have hot water heaters here, like no one, except for maybe the super rich people. Even the middle class people don't have them. So, how then would you ever take a hot shower? So, they invented this electric shower heads, which heat the water right before it comes out of the shower head. In order to have better water pressure, you have to push the water through that shower head a lot faster, but this means that it goes through whatever water heating process to quickly, and thus does not get very hot.

It creates quite a dilemma for me, wanting both hot water and good water pressure. But I probably shouldn't complain, as there are far worse circumstances to be in. But I don't think I will ever stop wishing for both at the same time.

So, which would you choose, hot water or good water pressure?

1 comment:

  1. I'd choose hot water every time. Sometimes when I got tired of cold water bucket baths and had the ability to heat water on a stove or coals, the bath felt absolutely heavenly just because the water wasn't cold. Doesn't matter if it is 110 degrees outside, I still prefer warm/hot showers- even if it's standing in a little plastic tub dipping a pot in the warmed water and pouring it over my head. Solution for shampoo problems- dry shampoo. Definitely a helpful tool and much easier to source these days.
