Well guys...it happened. I've been asked SEVERAL times if I have a boyfriend. When I say no, people feel compelled to tell me that I will find one in no time at all. They don't seem to understand that I just don't want a boyfriend right now. Some people have even gone as far as to tell me that I will marry a Brazilian man. One of them even thought I would get married before the end of my time here, in two years. It is definitely not normal here to have removed yourself for the romantic realm for a bit. And at this point I don't know the words (literaly, I don't know them in Portuguese) to really explain that I'm not allowed to date for a year, MATUL rules. (Which I'm totall okay with by the way, they have very good reasoning behind it, and I could see myself falling into all the reasons why they made it.)
And, as the cherry on top of these delightful comments, I've already experienced a bit of Brazilian flirting. To be fair, I think this guy is pretty flirtatious in general. He's a schmoozer in the best possible, and Christian, way. I tried my hardest to give the clearest non-verbal cues that I wasn't not okay with it, while not wanting to come off as rude. It's a hard line to walk when you can't speak the language. Our site director had very wise words on this subject when he said that dating in the beginning doesn't really make sense. The kind of person who is attracted to someone they can't communicate with isn't really the kind of person you want to be with in the long run. Good advise, right?! Suffice it to say, I don't think this will be my last experience with this topic. ;)
It's funny though. I was talking wtih a classmate of mine in India and she pointed out something. I had mentioned earlier to her how beautiful people are in Brazil. And they are freaking beautiful! All of them! I think it has something to do with how much they've mixed people of different heritages: Italian, African, German, whichever people group is native to Brazil (I really should know this piece of information), and many more. Anyway, they area all super beautiful. Add that to the fact that this is also a super touchy culture. They kiss on both cheeks everytime you greet someone. Hugs are common place among friends. And there simply is no aversion to touching people. For example, on the bus, no one cares if their leg is touching the leg of the person they don't know who is sittiung next to. They just don't.
So...Super beautiful people + Super touchy culture. Got that. It's a perfect mixture for someone like me. Physical touch is most definitely my love language. And I like beautiful people (really though, who doesn't?). I'm sure there will be plenty of times where I have to tell myself that it's not okay to date someone right now. Maybe just as many as I have to tell other people. ;)
Check this out amiga. You will most likely like it. Really well thought out: http://www.critiquebycreating.com/2011/04/the-most-eligible-christian-bachelor/