I hate Halloween. I legitimately wish that it didn't exist. For one, I just don't get the point of dressing up. I don't ever enjoy that. Two, I don't really like candy. Three, I don't think our society needs another reason to act like sluts and get drunk off their asses. I just don't.
And then there is my general dislike for most holidays that comes from the fact that we don't actually celebrate anything other than ourselves most of the time. I used to think we didn't set them apart as holy for worship or remembrance But then I realized we do. We set them apart to celebrate ourselves and "have fun".
I just don't think there is any valid reason for us to celebrate Halloween how we do.
But, perhaps there is a way to truly honor this holiday. I follow a blog written by a funeral home director. I started reading it this summer and find that it gives me a different, and needed, perspective on life. He's doing a three day series on how many others in the world celebrate this holiday. I read this post today. In churches around the world they are taking the time to remember those in their lives who have died. In remembering they are celebrating their lives and all that they brought to the world around them. He challenged his readers to remember those in their lives who they've lost. So today I will remember my Grandma Max. She hasn't been gone long (she passed this May), but I miss her
This is Grandma on her first day as a resident of Maui. She moved there to live with my parents shortly before she passed. She was so excited to live there! Her favorite Christmas gift from my sister or I was a sunset calendar.
Grandma loved to travel. I'm pretty sure she's the reason I always knew there was more in the world than where I was from. When I was little she traveled all over the world. Africa, Israel, Russia, and so many other places I can't name them all. My passion for the world started with her. Thank you Grandma for introducing me to the world. I don't know where I'd be today without that.
She also loved to laugh and have a good time. Whenever we would visit her we'd always play games. And she could laugh at almost anything, including herself. Thank you Grandma, for teaching me how to laugh at all times, because life is just too short to take so seriously.