Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Yes, it is true I finally have an internship! Praise God! I am working for the US Chamber of Commerce in their Business Civic Leadership Center. Like I said last time, they do some pretty awesome work in getting big business together with NGO's and government agencies to do humanitarian work in the US and abroad. Their website has a lot of great stuff on it, mostly in their About - Who We Are section. Lots to learn, you should definitely take a look.

Today started with class. We had two lectures, at two different times about how Christians are supposed to relate to their culture. We heard about different authors and their opinions on the matter. They were really interesting lectures I just don't feel like explaining them right now. We also got a bunch of groceries today and had what the ASP folk call family dinner (basically faculty, staff, and students all eat a meal together, hey, I'm down for free food). After dinner we watched Thank You for Smoking. We poli sci kids like to watch cynical political movies apparently, it's the third one since we've been here.

Today has been hard. I'm getting to that point where I'm really over this new people thing. I want my friends back, especially because they give me hugs. It seems the older I get the more I realize just how important physical touch is for me. Without I really start to feel disconnected from humanity and no matter how many people I'm surrounded by I end up feeling lonely. I know this phase will pass and people here will get to know me, it's just hard right now. Sorry for downer....I'm just being honest though. Sometimes days a downers. If you want help you should fly to Washington, DC and come cuddle with me and give me countless hugs. That would be nice.

Tomorrow I should get my new camera. That'll be exciting. I should also be finding out about my student worker job. Hopefully I'll have some updates for you all. Love!!


  1. YAY! I'm excited you finally got an internship! =) I totally wish I could come to DC right now and give you lots of hugs. I'm sure it will get better, but I know it's hard right now. Love ya! Wish I could be there with you! *HUGS* from CA.

  2. Soo...... I never really know what to say when I'm commenting about blogs. Its kinda like facebook. I read it, but then don't know what to do back. But anyway.

    First -- Its totally natural and normal to have homesick type days, even if you are loving your experience and in the right place. It happens to all of us traveling abroad (or just really really far across the same country)

    Second -- I had a conversation with someone at study abroad about how apparently TX is not only a country in and of itself, but half of it should count as the South and half of it shouldn't. As if, Texas (which is in fact a state even if it doesn't act like it) should have regions -- and we should claim ONE of their regions. GRR. Anyway -- I just thought I would share, cause its kinda funny. And I know you are big on the whole states etc... dealio.

    Third. Thank you for smoking = jason reitman and thus = wonderful hilariousness. I approve.

    Fourth, as always, I know nothing about this place that you are interning at (any more than I did the other ones). BUT at least your family will not disown you AND we can be fairly certain that this is what God wants for you this time. Cause I totally prayed earlier this week for it. One of those: "so I know I never remember to pray for stuff for other people, but this one is kinda important, so if you were going to do something for someone else today, i think it would be awesome if you could get Kim and internship" type of prayers.

    and lastly, I've gotten REALLY used to just having you around all the time and it makes me really sad to not have you here. Like I'm very excited for you and it all just sounds amazing, but I also have this piece of me that tears up a bit when I walk into my house and realize you aren't in it.

    Anyway - I LOVE LOVE You. and don't judge the grammer/punctuation in this comment, because I was up at 5:45 this morning for work, and am kinda insane at the moment.
