Last night I had the most amazing time!

Right after my 3 hour class got out at 7, I went to a screening of "Tony", the most recent Invisible Children movie that the Roadies are currently touring with. I was in the lounge of a freshman dorm, a place I hadn't been in 3 years. The room was full of people I didn't know. I was a little uncomfortable, but so excited to see the new story.
Tony has an amazing story. I won't recount it all here (go to a screening near you for the story!), but suffice it to say it was just what I needed. A story. It's been a while since I've heard a story about someone who was oppressed. Those are the stories that inspire me. That move me to action. Those are the stories that ignite my soul.
After the movie, I got to talking with one of the Roadies, Elissa. She just graduated from college and has dedicated 4 months of her life to ending a war in Uganda. She inspires me. After they packed up and loaded their van, a few of us from the screen went to Starbucks with them to keep chatting before they started their hour long drive into LA where they are staying. It was so great to talk to Elissa and get to know her and some of the other APU peeps that came along too. Elissa was so encouraging and it did wonders for my soul to talk to someone with the same passions and desire for social justice as I have.
But here's where you come in! After the video about Tony, they showed a video about How I can help out! Now, I'm already a TRI member, a monthly support. But Invisible Children has started a new campaign. Maybe you've heard about some of the ones they've done in the past. In 2009 they staged the Rescue. But their new campaign is called
25. (Follow the link to get info on it). If you want to see how I'm involved check out my
25 profile page. :)
To say this experience was rejuvenating is definitely an understatement. It had been so long since I'd really gotten to know anyone new. I really like people more than I realized recently. Plus it reminded me of all the people and stories that inspire me to seek the "justice and righteousness" (or what we would call social justice) of God found throughout the Bible.
Plus, it makes me even more excited about the application I have to be a summer intern with Invisible Children. Eek!